10 Day Detox Diet

The 10 Day Detox Diet

Beep – beeping alone is not going to help you shed those access pounds! The perfect diet for the busy go getter is usually too time-consuming to follow through. Preparation alone might take up more time than you would be able to spare! In this scenario, how does one cope? How can you have healthy meals, that will help you get into shape and at the same time have the appropriate nutrients and agents that your body needs to stay healthy? The 10 day detox diet my be for you.

Well, a careful research on our part has produced some tangible solutions that we are going to introduce to you as the ’10 day Road Runner Detox Diet’ – the go getters best friend in keeping healthy and staying healthy. Not only is this a complete diet but it is also a diet that helps clear your system from free radicals as this diet is anti oxidant rich! A detox diet that works for the busy working woman who expects to lose no less than ½ a pound at the minimum, within 10 days is finally here.

How Does This Diet Work?

This diet is designed for those who are constantly on the go and have limited time to prepare or find healthy meals while on the move. The fundamentals of this diet is fairly simple – less fat, more fiber and a ‘’whole lotta love’’ perfect for women who are constantly on the go, this detox diet works like a dream!

Stock Up with enriched wheat flour bread, low fat cheese, tuna in olive oil, low fat yoghurt, tomatoes, olives, grapes, oranges, apples, olive oil, garlic, strawberries, eggs and lemons.

The Game Plan

Brunch at 12.00 noon

2 slices of bread with sliced tomatoes, a slice of low fat cheese olives and an egg poached in olive oil – preparation time: 5 minutes

Fruit salad at 4 PM

Strawberries, grapes, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, a pinch of salt, low fat yoghurt all mixed up and good to go – preparation time: 3 minutes

Dinner at 8 PM

Mix tuna in olive oil, one hardboiled egg, tomatoes and garlic with 2 slices of bread – Preparation time: 4 minutes

Supper @ 9

One orange or one apple –– Preparation time: nil

For 10 days – No coffee or sugary beverages, no meat, no fast food, no alcoholic beverages, drink only water with a slice of lemon squeezed into it (minimum 7 glasses a day). This diet, helps to not only cleanse the system, it also helps to reduce fat quickly due to the rapid cleansing by the anti oxidants contained in fruits and olives, which naturally increases metabolism rate and burns up previously stored fat. Yoghurt, which contain live cultures help in cleaning up the intestines and allows faster and easier absorption of nutrients from food while cheese provides the calcium that women need to prevent osteoporosis.

Nutritional Facts

The above diet is rich in anti oxidants with tomatoes, olives, garlic and fruits clearing out your system for the complete 10 days! At the same time enriched wheat flour contains is enriched with nutrients that are mostly lost during the baking process, the enrichment generally includes thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin D, iron, folic acid and calcium.  While the hard boiled single egg supplies adequate protein and omega 3. The fruits contain necessary vitamins that are essential for healthy skin and organic functionality within the human body.


However, it is recommended for those planning to go through this diet to return to their ritual meals on the 11th and 12th day before continuing on the 13th day for another 10 consecutive days to prevent the body from going through minor shocks or instability that may or may not send your system ‘out of whack’. Those with medical conditions or under prescriptions are advised to consult a GP or health specialist prior to attempting this diet.

Women on the Go

If you are a woman and find it difficult to keep up being healthy while simultaneously trying to chase that dream of being successful, well you have finally found an answer with The Road Runner Detoxification Diet. Your success would not mean much if you do not have the health to enjoy it with!



See more Diets That Work For Women.


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